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For details of my recent publications please see the Lawyers for Britain website,  my articles for the Daily and Sunday Telegraph (may need subscription to access) and on Conservative Home, and my Brexit Central author pages.

"Safeguarding Sovereignty: A Bill for UK Constitutional Rights in the EU", Politeia, was launched in January 2010, with a Foreword by the Rt Hon William Hague MP. It analysed how the fundamental constitutional arrangements of Germany, France, Italy and other EU countries are protected by their written constitutions while the UK lacks comparable protection because it has no written constitution. It proposed a Sovereignty Bill which would amend the European Communities Act 1972 and re-assert and entrench the ulimate sovereignty of the UK Parliament to make law. See Politeia Press Release

My follow-up article "Time to Safeguard British Sovereignty" in the Wall Street Journal Europe explained how the Lisbon Treaty now makes it necessary for the UK to take this action. Introducing a United Kingdom Sovereignty Bill was pledged in the Conservitive Election Manifesto 2010, and, following agreement within the Coalition, was included in Clause 18 of the European Union Bill currently going through Parliament.

"Order in the Courts: restoring faith through local justice" A Policy report from the Courts and Sentencing Working Group of the Centre for Social Justice, published November 2009. This 192 page Report charts the massive over centralisation of our criminal justice system which has been taking place over the past decade or longer, making courts, probation services and other agencies more and more remote from the communities they are supposed to serve. It calls for a change of direction: much greater and more effective local control over the Courts and over the agencies who are responsible for carrying out sentences; honesty in sentencing so that the time spent by an offender in prison actually corresponds to the sentence given in court; and a more intelligent approach by the courts and other agencies in trying to address the root causes of offending behaviour in the case of drug and alcohol dependent offenders and those with mental health problems. A shorter Executive Summary is also available.

My evidence to the House of Lords sub-committee enquiring into the Lisbon Treaty's impact on the area of "freedom, security and justice" is available from the House of Lords website.

"A Modern Bill of Rights" (Conservative Liberty Forum, 2007);

"A Balanced Constitution" (Politeia, 2006);

Asylum and the European Constitution (2004);

"Liberty under the Law" (with Oliver Letwin MP, Politeia 2002);

"Tackling Terrorism: the European Human Rights Convention and the Enemy Within" (Politeia, 2001, 2003).

"Europe and the Constitution after Maastricht", (June 1992) published by Conservative Lawyers; re-published in book form 1993.

"The Miscarriage of Justice", with Sir Ivan Lawrence MP and others; argues that it is a miscarriage of justice when the guilty are wrongly let off, as well as in the more widely publicised cases of wrong convictions; proposed remedies to cut down abuses of defence rights.

"Monetary Policy After Maastricht", (1992) published by the Centre for Policy Studies; draws attention to the dangers we face if Germany, France and others press ahead with monetary union.

"Social Europe: Escape or Entrapment?" (June 1993). The threat of severe damage to our industries from social laws imposed by Brussels.

"Better Off Out? The Benefits or Costs of EU Membership": (1996) Institute of Economic Affairs.

"Subsidiarity: How to make it work:" Memorandum submitted by invitation to House of Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee: HC (1993--94) 205 page 52.

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